Category Archives: Lightning Components

Discussion about only related to Lightning Components.

How to use Map in Lightning Component?

Map: This is an collection of Key-Value pair items. A Map can’t contain duplicate keys. How to use Map in Lightning Component? A. How can we define and access the Map in Lightning Component? B. How can we define and … Continue reading

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How to use List in Lightning Component?

List: This is an ordered collection of items. A List can contain duplicate values. We can directly iterate List in Lightning Component. How to use List in Lightning Component? Step 1:  Need to write a Selector Apex Class which will … Continue reading

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Call Lightning Component from Flow

Call Lightning Component from Flow In this section, we will call a Lightning Component from a Flow. Same Assignment: Create a Contact by Lightning Component calling from a Flow. To do this assignment, we will use Lightning Data Service. Step … Continue reading

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Call Flow from Lightning Component

Call Flow from Lightning Component In this section, we will call a Flow from a Lightning Component. Same Assignment: Create a Contact by Flow calling from Lightning Component. Step 1: Create a flow from Cloud Flow Designer. Already, we have … Continue reading

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Flow distribution for Lightning Record Page

Flow distribution for Lightning Record Page In this section, we will learn how to refer flow in Lightning Record Page. We will create a contact record from an account by flow placing in account record page in Lightning Experience. Basic … Continue reading

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How to use global value providers?

Global Value Providers: Salesforce has provided some global value providers to be used in Lightning Component expressions. So, you don’t need to write your own methods to take the Browser Information, Custom Labels etc.. 7,795 total views, 6 views today

7,795 total views, 6 views today

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Lightning Component Rendering Lifecycle – How to use render.js file?

What is Document Object Modal(DOM)? DOM is nothing but a programming API for HTML and XML documents. DOM is the logical structure(i.e., tree) of the documents. Now question is, how can we update the DOM structure created by pre-defined  Lightning Component? … Continue reading

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Lightning Component – Server Side Implementation in a Smart Way

For this training purpose, we are showing the contact records with respect to an account on the Account Lightning Record Page. We are using aura:iteration with html table for training purpose. Please use lightning base components such as lightning:dataTable in … Continue reading

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Advanced Event Communication – Application Event Propagation

Event Propagation is a way of communication in your application. Following are the phases supported in event communication 1. Capture Phase: The event is captured from application root to the source component. [top to bottom]. 2. Bubble Phase: The event … Continue reading

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Advanced Event Communication – Component Event Propagation

Event Propagation is a way of communication in your application.  Following are the phases supported in event communication 1. Capture Phase:  The event is captured from application root to the source component. [top to bottom]. 2. Bubble Phase:  The event … Continue reading

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