Category Archives: Lightning Components

Discussion about only related to Lightning Components.

How to get Current User Id, Record Id and Object API Name in LWC?

In this section, we will see how we can get the Logged-In User Id, Current Record Id and Object API Name by Lightning Web Component. Thanks to Salesforce again to provide such a beautiful mechanism to get the Logged-In User … Continue reading

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How to use Salesforce Resources in Lightning Web Component?

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10,005 total views, 9 views today

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Lightning Testing Service with Jasmine

Lightning Testing Service:  Salesforce has already provided the Apex Testing framework to check the features in your Apex classes and triggers at the server side. Now, the question is how to test the Lightning Component at the client side. Lightning Testing … Continue reading

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Method vs Component Event in Lightning

Already, we have studied about Method and Component Event in Lightning.Now, we will focus on the difference between Method and Component Event in Lightning. 3,079 total views, no views today

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How to use method in Lightning Component?

You can call a method using aura:method tag in a component’s client side controller instead of using Component Event. In short, aura:method communicates down the Containment Hierarchy that means a Parent Component can call aura:method on a child component in the … Continue reading

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Lightning Flow Overview

According to Salesforce, Lightning Flow consists of Process Builder and Cloud Flow Designer. Process Builder is responsible to create process when record is created/updated or any platform event is occurred. Cloud Flow Designer is used to create flows which is … Continue reading

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Create Record By Lightning Data Service

Create Record By Lightning Data Service In this section, we will create a Contact Record from Account using Lightning Data Service(LDS) in Lightning Experience. Step 1: Create a component bundle named “createContactByLDS”. createContactByLDS.cmp | to create Contact record from Account … Continue reading

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Load Record by Lightning Data Service

Loading record by Lightning Data Service In Lightning Experience, we will load the Account record with some attributes from Contact by Lightning Data Service. Step 1: Need to create a Lightning Component named “loadAccount“. loadAccount.cmp | It will show the … Continue reading

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Lightning Data Service

What is Lightning Data Service(LDS)? -Lightning Data Service is the data layer for Lightning. We can load, create, edit or delete a particular record by LDS without calling Server/Apex Class. You can compare Standard Visualforce Controller to Lightning Data Service. … Continue reading

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Convert a List from a Map in Lightning Component

Convert a List from a Map in Lightning Component In many projects, we have seen that we need to iterate a Map in Lightning component to satisfy the business requirement. But, it’s not possible in straightforward to iterate the Map … Continue reading

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