Build a simple application by LWC Open Source

In the previous articles, we have seen how to create simple node application with express server. Now, we will see how to create a simple application using Lightning Web Component(LWC) Open Source.

In this tutorial, we will try to host an application for Customer Service Programme. So, please maintain the following steps:

Step 1: Still, if you have not installed Node.js please install it first.  After that please set the environment variable for Node JS framework.

Step 2: Please open a command line or terminal and point to any drive.

Step 3: Just write down this line

 npx create-lwc-app customer-service-app 

Here, customer-service-app is our application name.

Step 4: During the execution of this command, please enter the necessary information as per the following image:















It will take a few minutes to create a customer-service-app using LWC Open Source.  And, you will get this confirmation.

Step 5: Now, open this application customer-service-app from Visual Studio Code.

Step 6: Please execute the following command from the terminal of your VS Code or command line to see the result:

npm run watch




Step 7: Now, if we will run this URL: http://localhost:3001, we will get the result:



Amazing! Now, we are able to create and execute a simple application using Lightning Web Component Open Source.

Special Thanks to Salesforce to help us to create an application using Lightning Web Component Open Source in a very short time.

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