Lightning Flow Overview

According to Salesforce, Lightning Flow consists of Process Builder and Cloud Flow Designer.

Process Builder is responsible to create process when record is created/updated or any platform event is occurred.
Cloud Flow Designer is used to create flows which is used to automate business process by taking input from User or by collecting data in Salesforce Org or from an external system.

Type of Flows

Screen Flow – Requires User Interaction
Autolaunched Flow – handle back-end services, so It is not supported screens, choices, dynamic choices, local actions and steps.
User Provisioning Flow – It is implemented with a connected app when running the User Provisioning Wizard.
Field Service Mobile Flow – Requires User Interaction (used in Field Service Lightning mobile app)
Field Service Snap-In Flow – Requires User Interaction (used in Snap-ins Appointment Booking)

Flow Distribution

We can use Screen Flow from

Web tab
Utility bar
Flow actions
Custom buttons and links
Visualforce Page
Lightning Page
Custom Lightning component
Lightning Community page
Direct flow URLs
Lightning Out

We can use Autolaunched Flow from

Process Builder
Custom Apex classes
Web tabs
Custom buttons or custom links
Visualforce pages

Order of execution

After Workflow field updates, Lightning Flow is executed. Please visit Salesforce Order of execution link.

Flow Runtime Experience

Please enable Lightning runtime for flows from Process automation Settings(from Setup in your org) to make the UI feel like Lightning Experience for only URL-based flows means applicable for the flows which are generated from Custom Button, Custom Link, Web Tab and Direct Link. This settings is not required for Lightning Component, Lightning Pages & Lightning Community Pages. This setting is applicable for only URL-based flows.


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